The Power of an Accountability Partner: Testimony from Newly Minted PhDs

In April 2022, after much blood, sweat, and tears we walked together down the aisle at graduation celebrating the completion of our doctoral program at Point Park University. This is a huge accomplishment for two mid-career women who work full-time for local government. We are also mothers of middle and high school-aged children, so we share the role of caregiver that keeps us very busy when we are not at school or work. Completing this program was a balancing act and it is one that we are both very proud to have completed. We recognize the importance that we each had in this shared journey as accountability partners helping each other cross the finish line while making sure we were doing our best work.

Despite being on very different schedules, through a turn of events that included both emergency surgery and the twists and turns of doing original research, we found ourselves on nearly the exact same schedule for completion. Or maybe we pushed each other to get on the same schedule? Regardless, we acknowledge that we might not have crossed the finish line in such a timely manner and with such success without each other. What did it look like for us to be accountability partners?

  • Regular “how are you doing and what are you going to accomplish this week” texts.

  • Working together in person when many people were in bed or home with their families.

  • Taking turns to focus on each other’s research to brainstorm arguments, outlines and next steps making sure we both had a clear path for next steps.

  • A lot of phone calls to vent and plan for next steps when the path changed.

  • Finding ways to write together without distractions including locking ourselves in a hotel room for the weekend.

  • Celebrating our achievements together!

              Do you have an accountability partner? Someone who will check in on you when you are quiet and perhaps down or frustrated and help you move past obstacles by being a sounding board and brainstorm partners. Our testimony is about the importance of having someone who can fulfill this role to help you fulfill your dreams.


Sold a Story - Research to Action