Professional Summary

  • Manager, Convener, Educator

    High-performance manager, convener, and educator with extensive experience initiating, managing, and growing a wide variety of successful programs focusing on public health, community engagement, and social justice.

  • Systems Thinker

    Systems thinker who is passionate about bringing diverse groups of people together to improve health and social outcomes through systems change. Strong working and applied knowledge about the social determinants of health and public health strategies that are known to impact upstream factors.

  • Experience & Research

    Professional experience and research capacity in the fields of community development, public health, and public policy in non-profit, local government, and academic settings. Expertise at applying anti-racism approaches in community-based settings, chronic disease prevention, and public health.

  • Core Competencies

    Core Competencies include program leadership, human-centered management, mentoring, program evaluation, facilitating collaboration, and critical thinking. Clear and compelling written and verbal skills and capability to build strong partnerships with diverse groups of people.

Personal Statement

About Me

I'm passionate about understanding and improving community health through the lens of population dynamics, development, and investment patterns.

Professional Journey

My career path has been diverse and interconnected:

  • Community Development: Early work focused on urban revitalization

  • Environmental Projects: Led initiatives like the Steel Valley Trail development

  • Public Health: Projects to reduce racial health disparities in Allegheny County

  • Human Services: Currently managing the internal systems for Aging Services.


Undergraduate thesis on gentrification and community change. Dissertation on deindustrialization and impacts on public health.

Current Focus

Applying a population health lens to the delivery of aging services in Allegheny County. This work combines my passion for community development with a data-driven approach to improving health outcomes.


I believe in the power of place and community. My goal is to leverage my diverse experience and interdisciplinary approach to address inequity and improve community health.