Sold a Story - Research to Action

Photo of my son who is in 11th grade.

I just finished listening to a six episode podcast hosted by #EmilyHanford called Sold a Story about how children in the United States are taught to read. It was mind blowing for me because of the experience that we had with our older son (pictured). As I was listening I was reminded of all of the struggle that we went through to figure out why our son was not reading well and then to get him help. There are things that I learned that I am still processing.

From a professional perspective, I was also totally blown away by the huge disconnect between the research about how kids learn to read and what I learned from the podcast about how the educational system teaches kids to read. For me this raised several questions about my own work in #publichealth about translating research to action. Do we really do a good job at taking what we have learned and making changes in how we work?

There is such an emphasis on conducting research in academic settings and evaluations in all areas of public health, but none of this really matters if it is conducted in a vacuum or if we do not take the time to interpret and integrate the results into our work. I am curious to hear the thoughts of others in the field on this and I will be continuing to think more about this in my own work.

#publichealth #evidencebasedpractice #researchtoaction #dyslexia #educationalsystem


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